Initial and Final Encodings


Code is Data, and Data is Code

Changing how you represent your data or your program can yield practical improvements.

The Basic Idea

data List a = Nil
            | Cons a (List a)

-- data [a] = [] | a : [a]

The Basic Idea

data List a = Nil
            | Cons a (List a)

-- data [a] = [] | a : [a]
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
[]     ++ bs = bs
(a:as) ++ bs = a : (as ++ bs)

-- call `:` once per element of the first list, every time you call `++`!

The Basic Idea

What if we turned the list inside-out?

newtype DList = DList { runDList :: [a] -> [a] }
toDList :: [a] -> DList a
toDList lst = DList (lst ++)
fromDList :: DList a -> [a]
fromDList (DList f) = f []
cons :: a -> DList a -> DList a
cons x (DList xs) = DList $ (x :) . xs

-- cons x (DList xs) = DList $ \g -> x : (xs g)

The Basic Idea

appendDList :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
appendDList (DList xs) (DList ys) = DList $ xs . ys
-- appendDList (DList xs) (DList ys) = DList $ \g -> xs (ys g)

-- call (.) once per call to `appendDList`!
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
[]     ++ bs = bs
(a:as) ++ bs = a : (as ++ bs)
-- convert a series of appends back to an ordinary list

(as, bs, cs) = (toDList a, toDList b, toDList c)

as `appendDList` bs `appendDList` cs      -- expand appendDList (associativity doesn't matter)
DList $ as . bs . cs                      -- rewrite each DList in terms of `toDList`
DList $ (a ++) . (b ++) . (c ++)          -- run `fromDList`
(a ++) . (b ++) . (c ++) $ []             -- apply first function
(a ++) . (b ++) $ c ++ []                 -- traverse `c` once when evaluating `++`
(a ++) . (b ++) $ c                       -- apply second function
(a ++) $ (b ++ c)                         -- traverse `b` once when evaluating `++`
(a ++) $ bc                               -- apply third function
a ++ bc                                   -- traverse `a` once when evaluating `++`
abc                                       -- concrete list in O(length abc)

A Less Basic Idea

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}  -- so we can use 'forall'

newtype Church a = Church {
  runChurch :: forall r. (a -> r -> r)    -> r   -> r
               --          cons              nil    result

convert :: [a] -> Church a
convert lst = Church $ \c n -> foldr c n lst

excommunicate :: Church a -> [a]
excommunicate (Church ch) = ch (:) []

cons :: a -> Church a -> Church a
cons x (Church ch) = Church $ \c -> c x . ch c
-- cons x (Church ch) = Church $ \c n -> c x (ch c n)

appendChurch :: Church a -> Church a -> Church a
appendChurch (Church fx) (Church fy) = Church $ \c -> fx c . fy c
-- appendChurch xs ys = Church $ \c n -> runChurch xs c $ runChurch ys c n

-- run one function composition per call to `appendChurch'`!
foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
                   c :: a -> r -> r           -- the folding function
                                   n :: r     -- the terminating value

A Less Basic Idea

More general than DList!

data Tree a = Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
            | Tip

newtype Cross a = Cross {
    runCross :: forall r. (r -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> r

tip :: Cross a
tip = Cross $ \_ t -> t

node :: Cross a -> a -> Cross a -> Cross a
node (Cross l) x (Cross r) = Cross $ \n t -> n (l n t) x (r n t)

convertTree :: Tree a -> Cross a
convertTree Tip = tip
convertTree (Node l x r) = node (convertTree l) x (convertTree r)

excommunicateTree :: Cross a -> Tree a
excommunicateTree (Cross x) = x Node Tip

Only the conversion need know about the ADT!

A Less Basic Idea

Applies to very pragmatic problems, e.g. you don't have proper ADTs. From #bfpg on freenode:

04:38:09 bkolera | It wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't encode sum types as sub types in scala, but ... >_>

04:42:56 georgew | You could just Church encode?

(Embedded) Domain-Specific Languages

The Multiple Interpretations Problem

Ways to interpret a program

The Multiple Interpretations Problem

Ways to interpret a program

The Expression Problem

The Expression Problem is a new name for an old problem. The goal is to define a datatype by cases, where one can add new cases to the datatype and new functions over the datatype, without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety (e.g., no casts).

-- Philip Wadler, Nov. 1998

The Static Safety Problem

What are the hard parts of implementing a language?

Our interpreter should let us reuse all three!

Solving All The Problems At Once

Simply-typed lambda calculus: small but higher-order.

A Simple (But Powerful) DSL

STLC, with de Bruijn indices

-- Simply-typed lambda calculus terms
data STLCTerm = SVar Var
              | SNum Int
              | SApp STLCTerm STLCTerm
              | SLam STLCTerm
              deriving Show

-- Representation of evaluation environments
data Var = VZero | VSucc Var deriving Show

-- We need a way to look up variables in our environment.
lkup :: Var -> [x] -> x
lkup VZero [x] = x
lkup (VSucc v) (_:moar) = lkup v moar
lkup _ _ = error "sorry, dawg; I can't interpret an open term!"
evalSTLC env (SVar v) = lkup v env
evalSTLC env (SNum i) = i
evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x)
evalSTLC env (SLam b) = \x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b
testSTLC = SApp (SLam (SVar VZero)) (SNum 22)

A Simple (But Powerful) DSL

What a puzzling error!

[1 of 1] Compiling FinallyTagless   ( FinallyTagless.hs, interpreted )

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Int -> Int’ with actual type ‘Int’
    The function ‘evalSTLC’ is applied to three arguments,
    but its type ‘[Int] -> STLCTerm -> Int’ has only two
    In the expression: (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x)
    In an equation for ‘evalSTLC’:
        evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x)

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Int -> Int’ with actual type ‘Int’
    The lambda expression ‘\ x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b’
    has one argument,
    but its type ‘Int’ has none
    In the expression: \ x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b
    In an equation for ‘evalSTLC’:
        evalSTLC env (SLam b) = \ x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b
Failed, modules loaded: none.
-- What type do we give this?  What's the return type?

evalSTLC env (SVar v) = lkup v env
evalSTLC env (SNum i) = i
evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x)
evalSTLC env (SLam b) = \x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b

A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

data Tag = IntTag Int
         | LambdaTag (Tag -> Tag)

evalSTLC :: [Tag] -> STLCTerm -> Tag
evalSTLC env (SVar v) = lkup v env
evalSTLC _   (SNum i) = IntTag i
evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = go (evalSTLC env f)
    evx = evalSTLC env x
    go (LambdaTag f') = f' evx
    go z             =
      error $ "Can't apply the non-function '" ++ show z ++
      "' to argument '" ++ show evx ++ "'!"
evalSTLC env (SLam b) = LambdaTag $ \x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b

instance Show Tag where
  show (IntTag i) = "<" ++ show i ++ " :: Int>"
  show (LambdaTag _) = "<lambda>"

-- our test program: (λx.x) 22
testSTLC = SApp (SLam (SVar VZero)) (SNum 22)
> testSTLC
SApp (SLam (SVar VZero)) (SNum 22)
> evalSTLC [] testSTLC
<22 :: Int>

A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

failSTLC = SApp (SNum 22) (SNum 33)

> evalSTLC [] failSTLC
*** Exception: Can't apply the non-function '<22 :: Int>' to argument '<33 :: Int>'!

A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

failSTLC = SApp (SNum 22) (SNum 33)

> evalSTLC [] failSTLC
*** Exception: Can't apply the non-function '<22 :: Int>' to argument '<33 :: Int>'!

A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

Property ADTs
Multiple Interpretations :)
Expression Problem :(
Static Safety :(

A Tagless Encoding

Let's tackle the Static Safety Problem by using Generalised Algebraic Data Types (GADTs).


data Term t where
  -- This quantified type could be a particular type like `Int`, but
  -- I'm using anything I can `show` just to make interactive
  -- debugging easier
  Const :: Show a => a -> Term a
  Var :: a -> Term a
  App :: Term (b -> a) -> Term b -> Term a
  Lam :: (Term b -> Term a) -> Term (b -> a)

eval :: Term t -> t
eval (Var x) = x
eval (Const x) = x
eval (App f x) = eval f (eval x)
eval (Lam f) = eval . f . Var

A Tagless Encoding

Let's try some test programs.

first = Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> x

twice = Lam $ \f -> Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> f `App` (f `App` x `App` y) `App` y

pairs = twice `App` first `App` (Const 33) `App` (Const 22)
> eval pairs

> :t pairs
pairs :: (Num a, Show a) => Term a

A Tagless Encoding

failure = twice `App` (Const 33) `App` (Const 22) `App` first
    Could not deduce (Num (a -> (a0 -> b0 -> a0) -> a))
    from the context (Num a,
                      Num (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a),
                      Show a,
                      Show (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a))
      bound by the inferred type for ‘failure’:
                 (Num a, Num (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a), Show a,
                  Show (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a)) =>
                 Term a
      at FinallyTagless.hs:210:1-61
    The type variables ‘b0’, ‘a0’ are ambiguous
    When checking that ‘failure’ has the inferred type
      failure :: forall a b a1.
                 (Num a, Num (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a), Show a,
                  Show (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a)) =>
                 Term a
    Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous

A Tagless Encoding

-- Users want Turing-completeness.  Management has demanded we add a
-- fixpoint combinator without breaking any existing code!

data TermY t where
  ConstY :: Show a => a -> TermY a
  VarY :: a -> TermY a
  AppY :: TermY (b -> a) -> TermY b -> TermY a
  LamY :: (TermY b -> TermY a) -> TermY (b -> a)
  Y    :: TermY (a -> a) -> TermY a

evalY :: TermY t -> t
evalY (VarY x) = x
evalY (ConstY x) = x
evalY (AppY f x) = evalY f (evalY x)
evalY (LamY f) = evalY . f . VarY
evalY (Y f) = y' $ evalY f
    y' g = g $ y' g

twiceY = LamY $ \f -> LamY $ \x -> LamY $ \y -> f `AppY` (f `AppY` x `AppY` y) `AppY` y

A Tagless Encoding

Property ADTs GADTs
Multiple Interpretations :) :)
Expression Problem :( :(
Static Safety :( :)

A Final Encoding

newtype Eval a = Eval { eval :: a }

var :: Show a => a -> Eval a
var = Eval

app :: Eval (b -> a) -> Eval b -> Eval a
app (Eval f) (Eval x) = Eval $ f x

lam :: (Eval a -> Eval b) -> Eval (a -> b)
lam b = Eval $ \x -> eval (b (Eval x))

A Final Encoding

-- first = Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> x
first = lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> x

-- twice = Lam $ \f -> Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> f `App` (f `App` x `App` y) `App` y
twice = lam $ \f -> lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> f `app` (f `app` x `app` y) `app` y

-- pairs = twice `App` first `App` (Const 33) `App` (Const 22)
pairs = twice `app` first `app` var 33 `app` var 22

> :t pairs
pairs :: (Num a, Show a) => Eval a

> eval pairs

A Final Encoding

failure = twice `app` (var 33) `app` (var 22) `app` first

    Non type-variable argument
      in the constraint: Num (a -> (b -> a -> b) -> a)
    (Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
    When checking that ‘failure’ has the inferred type
      failure :: forall a a1 b.
                 (Num a, Num (a -> (b -> a1 -> b) -> a), Show a,
                  Show (a -> (b -> a1 -> b) -> a)) =>
                 Eval a

A Final Encoding

import Final.hs (Eval(..), lam, app, var)

y :: Eval (a -> a) -> Eval a
y (Eval f) = Eval (y' f)
    y' g = g $ y' g

twentytwo = y $ lam $ \x -> const (var 22) x
> eval $ twentytwo

A Final Encoding

Property ADTs GADTs Functions
Multiple Interpretations :) :) :(
Expression Problem :( :( :)
Static Safety :( :) :)

The Finally Tagless Solution

class FinalTerm repr where
  var :: Show a => a -> repr a
  app :: repr (b -> a) -> repr b -> repr a
  lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a -> b)

Now we can make an instance for evaluation.

newtype Eval a = Eval { eval :: a }

instance FinalTerm Eval where
  var x = Eval x
  app (Eval f) (Eval x) = Eval $ f x
  lam b = Eval $ \x -> eval' (b (Eval x))

The Finally Tagless Solution

Our test programs are unchanged.

first = lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> x

twice = lam $ \f -> lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> f `app` (f `app` x `app` y) `app` y

pairs = twice `app` first `app` var 33 `app` var 22

> :t pairs
pairs :: (Num a, Show a, FinalTerm repr) => repr a

> eval pairs

The Finally Tagless Solution

Let's make a second interpreter.

-- This is just machinery for generating variable names
varnames :: [String]
varnames = "xyzwabcdefghmnpqrstu"

parens [] = "()"
parens str
  | head str == '(' && last str == ')' = str
  | otherwise = "(" ++ str ++ ")"

-- Here is the new type we use to choose the instance we want.
newtype Pretty a = Pretty { unPretty :: [String] -> String }

instance FinalTerm Pretty where
  var = Pretty . const . show
  lam f = Pretty $ \(v:vs) -> parens $
    "lambda " ++ v ++ ". " ++ unPretty (f (Pretty $ const v)) vs
  app (Pretty f) (Pretty x) = Pretty $ \c -> parens $ f c ++ " " ++ x c

pretty :: Pretty a -> String
pretty expr = unPretty expr varnames
> pretty' pairs
"(((lambda x. (lambda y. (lambda z. ((x ((x y) z)) z)))) (lambda x. (lambda y. x)) 33) 22)"

The Finally Tagless Solution

import FinallyTagless.hs (FinalTerm(..), Eval(..), Pretty(..), pretty)

class FinalTermY repr where
  y :: repr (a -> a) -> repr a

instance FinalTermY Eval where
  y (Eval f) = Eval $ y' f
      y' g = g $ y' g

instance FinalTermY Pretty where
  y (Pretty f) = Pretty $ \names@(v:_) ->
    parens $ "fixpoint of " ++ f names ++ " with respect to '" ++ v ++ "'"
twentytwo = y $ lam $ \x -> const (var 22) x

> eval twentytwo

> pretty twentytwo
"(fixpoint of (lambda x. 22) with respect to 'x')"

The Finally Tagless Approach

Property ADTs GADTs Functions Type Classes
Multiple Interpretations :) :) :( :)
Expression Problem :( :( :) :)
Static Safety :( :) :) :)

Equivalence Of Final and Initial Encodings

data HTerm h t where
  HVar :: Show t => t -> HTerm h t
  HCell :: h t -> HTerm h t
  HApp :: HTerm h (a -> b) -> HTerm h a -> HTerm h b
  HLam :: (HTerm h a -> HTerm h b) -> HTerm h (a -> b)

-- An interpreter for Eval
evalH :: HTerm Eval t -> t
evalH (HVar x) = x
evalH (HApp f x) = evalH f (evalH x)
evalH (HCell x) = eval' x
evalH (HLam b) = evalH . b . HCell . Eval

-- Now we can convert from final to initial:
instance FinalTerm (HTerm h) where
  var = HVar
  app = HApp
  lam = HLam

-- and from initial to final:
convert :: (FinalTerm repr) => HTerm repr t -> repr t
convert (HVar x) = var x
convert (HCell x) = x
convert (HApp f x) = app (convert f) (convert x)
convert (HLam b) = lam $ convert . b . HCell


There are some disadvantages . . .

runAndPrettyPrint prog = (eval prog, pretty prog)
    Couldn't match expected typePretty a0’ with actual typeEval t’
    Relevant bindings include
      t :: Eval t (bound at FinallyTagless.hs:402:20)
      runAndPrettyPrint' :: Eval t -> (t, String)
        (bound at FinallyTagless.hs:402:1)
    In the first argument of ‘pretty'’, namely ‘t’
    In the expression: pretty' t

Polymorphism in Haskell is not first-class. -- Oleg

When we pattern-match on the program, we constrain it to a single type. Alas!


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

runAndPrettyPrint :: (forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr t) -> (t, String)
runAndPrettyPrint prog = (eval prog, pretty prog)
> runAndPrettyPrint pairs
(33,"(((lambda x. (lambda y. (lambda z. ((x ((x y) z)) z)))) (lambda x. (lambda y. x)) 33) 22)


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

runAndPrettyPrint :: (forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr t) -> (t, String)
runAndPrettyPrint prog = (eval prog, pretty prog)
> runAndPrettyPrint pairs
(33,"(((lambda x. (lambda y. (lambda z. ((x ((x y) z)) z)))) (lambda x. (lambda y. x)) 33) 22)
> runAndPrettyPrint twentytwo
    Could not deduce (FinalTermY repr)
      arising from a use of ‘twentytwo’ . . .
Property Type Classes RankNTypes
Multiple Interpretations :) :)
Expression Problem :) :(
Static Safety :) :)
Simultaneous interpretations :( :)


The only thing we can do with a finally-encoded term is to interpret it.

newtype Pair repr repr' t = Pair { unPair :: (repr t, repr' t) }

instance (FinalTerm repr, FinalTerm repr') => FinalTerm (Pair repr repr') where
  var x = Pair (var x, var x)
  app f x = let (f', f'') = unPair f
                (x', x'') = unPair x
            in Pair (app f' x', app f'' x'')
  lam b = Pair (lam $ \x -> fst . unPair . b $ Pair (x, undefined),
                lam $ \z -> snd . unPair . b $ Pair (undefined, z))
runAndPrettyPrint prog = (eval $ l prog, pretty $ r prog)
    l = fst . unPair
    r = snd . unPair
Property Type Classes RankNTypes Pair instance
Multiple Interpretations :) :) :)
Expression Problem :) :( :)
Static Safety :) :) :)
Simultaneous interpretations :( :) :)

Initial Advantages

Here are some advantages of the ADT method, also known as the "initial" encoding of the language:

Final Advantages

Here are some advantages of the typeclass method, also known as the "final" encoding of the language:

Other Notes


Slides and annotated slides can be found at

Finally Tagless can be found at

The (very helpful) course notes can be found at

Wikipedia has articles on


De Bruijn Indices, Finally Encoded

class FinalDBTerm repr where
  dbvar :: Show a => a -> repr env a
  dbapp :: repr env (a -> b) -> repr env a -> repr env b
  -- The type of 'dblam' is pretty different from the type of the HOAS
  -- method 'lam'.  If you think about how 'EvalEnv' is defined, it
  -- makes sense -- the interpreter is going to have to wrap a
  -- function and get the argument from the environment.  In the HOAS
  -- case, we simply make the function explicit in the type of the
  -- method.
  dblam :: repr (a, env) b -> repr env (a -> b)

  -- This method states that the environment contains a value of the
  -- correct type to be applied: lambda 0
  zero :: repr (a, env) a
  -- This method states that the environment is being extended with a
  -- value of type 'b'.
  succ :: repr env a -> repr (b, env) a

class FinalDBTermArith repr where
  dbadd :: Num a => repr env a -> repr env a -> repr env a
  dbmul :: Num a => repr env a -> repr env a -> repr env a
  dbneg :: Num a => repr env a -> repr env a

newtype EvalEnv env a = EvalEnv { evalEnv :: env -> a }

instance FinalDBTerm EvalEnv where
  dbvar x = EvalEnv (const x)
  dbapp (EvalEnv f) (EvalEnv x) = EvalEnv $ \env -> (f env) (x env)
  dblam (EvalEnv body) = EvalEnv $ \env x -> body (x, env)

  zero = EvalEnv fst
  succ (EvalEnv v) = EvalEnv $ v . snd

instance FinalDBTermArith EvalEnv where
  dbadd (EvalEnv a) (EvalEnv b) = EvalEnv $ \env -> a env + b env
  dbmul (EvalEnv a) (EvalEnv b) = EvalEnv $ \env -> a env * b env
  dbneg (EvalEnv a) = EvalEnv $ \env -> negate $ a env

dbeval expr = evalEnv expr ()

dbtest' = dblam (dbadd (succ zero) (succ (succ zero)))

dbtest'' = ((dblam (dblam dbtest') `dbapp` dbvar 22) `dbapp` dbvar (33 :: Double)) `dbapp` undefined

dbtest = dblam (dbadd zero zero) `dbapp` dbvar (22 :: Double)

De Bruijn Indices, Initially Encoded

data DBVar env t where
  DBZ :: DBVar (t, env) t
  DBS :: DBVar env t -> DBVar (a, env) t

data DBTerm env t where
  DBConst :: t -> DBTerm env t
  DBVar :: DBVar env t -> DBTerm env t
  DBLam :: DBTerm (a, env) b -> DBTerm env (a -> b)
  DBApp :: DBTerm env (a -> b) -> DBTerm env a -> DBTerm env b

dbLookup :: DBVar env t -> env -> t
dbLookup  DBZ    (x, _)   = x
dbLookup (DBS v) (_, env) = dbLookup v env

dbEval :: env -> DBTerm env t -> t
dbEval env (DBVar v) = dbLookup v env
dbEval env (DBConst t) = t
dbEval env (DBLam body) = \x -> dbEval (x, env) body
dbEval env (DBApp f arg) = (dbEval env f) (dbEval env arg)

dbinitialtest = DBApp (DBLam (DBVar DBZ)) (DBConst 22)

De Bruijn Index to HOAS Conversion

For this final trick, I don't think there's a way to get away without either multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies or type families. Our environment needs to have the same tuple structure, but all the types need to change from e.g. a to repr a (though the empty environment is still simply ()). We don't have a general way to express this with Haskell 98. Type families (or MPTCs + fundeps) let us write type-level functions to explain to the type checker the appropriate relationships between the types in the environment.

Note that the conversion remains open! We could add new De Bruijn-based classes and new HOAS-based counterparts in a new module, along with the translation instances, and reuse this original toHOAS function!

type family Env repr a where
  Env repr () = ()
  Env repr (a, env) = (repr a, Env repr env)

newtype WrapHOAS repr env a = WrapHOAS { unwrapHOAS :: Env repr env -> repr a }

instance FinalTerm repr => FinalDBTerm (WrapHOAS repr) where
  dbvar x = WrapHOAS (const $ var x)
  dbapp (WrapHOAS f) (WrapHOAS x) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> app (f env) (x env)
  dblam (WrapHOAS body) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> lam $ \x -> body (x, env)

  zero = WrapHOAS fst
  succ (WrapHOAS v) = WrapHOAS $ v . snd

instance FinalTermArith repr => FinalDBTermArith (WrapHOAS repr) where
  dbadd (WrapHOAS a) (WrapHOAS b) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> a env `add` b env
  dbmul (WrapHOAS a) (WrapHOAS b) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> a env `mul` b env
  dbneg (WrapHOAS a)              = WrapHOAS $ \env -> neg $ a env

toHOAS :: WrapHOAS repr () a -> repr a
toHOAS expr = unwrapHOAS expr ()

Scott Encodings

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype SList a = SL { elim :: forall b. (a -> SList a -> b) -> b -> b }

snil :: forall a. SList a
snil = SL $ \c n -> n

scons :: forall a. a -> SList a -> SList a
scons x xs = SL $ \c n -> c x xs

smap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> SList a -> SList b
smap f lst = elim lst (\x xs -> f x `scons` smap f xs) snil


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}

newtype Program a = Program {
  getProgram :: forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr a

convert' :: HTerm (forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr :: * -> *) t
         -> (forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr t)
convert' (HVar x) = var x
convert' (HCell x) = x
convert' (HApp f x) = app (convert' f) (convert' x)
convert' (HLam b) = lam $ convert' . b . HCell

If we used the ImpredicativeTypes extension, which lets us write things like this, we could solve the problem. Sadly, GHC would no longer be able to infer types for such values. That's a heavy price to pay!